OnlineFundraising makes it easy for you to accept recurring donations, subscriptions, and other transactions through a variety of payment methods. Our easy-to-use platform simplifies the setup and processing of regular payments.

Recurring payments with OnlineFundraising

Easily accept and manage recurring payments with OnlineFundraising and multiple payment gateway options.
Effortlessly Set Up Recurring Payments

With OnlineFundraising, setting up recurring payments on your website, through telemarketing, or face to face is easy. You can also import existing recurring payments to streamline the process.

Automate Your Recurring Payment Process

OnlineFundraising’s Payment Engine allows you to automate the payment process with ease. It is also possible to integrate with your CRM, dialer, or financial system to get the most out of your payment data.

Handle Failed Recurring Payments with Ease

In the event of a failed payment, OnlineFundraising provides detailed information to help you contact the donor and take appropriate action.

Discover the Advantages of Using Recurring Payment Methods

Using fixed payment methods such as direct debit, credit cards, and more, offers a high retention rate and automatic adjustment to changes in the donor's account. These methods are suitable for both annual and monthly frequencies and easy sign-up options.

Accept More Payments with Our Multiple Payment Gateway Integrations

OnlineFundraising supports a wide range of markets and territories, and integration with multiple payment gateways allows us to offer low transaction costs for you and accept payments from a wider range of donors.

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Make it easy for your donors to give! OnlineFundraising allows you and your partners to accept payments on all your fundraising channels.

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